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Decreasing distractions and increasing focus could mean a potential gain of US$1.2trn currently lost from untapped employee output each year. The simple truth is that the hybrid workplace isn’t just good for workers it is also good for business. A recent survey by The Economist found that 36% of respondents felt more focused working at home than in their office. A study from Ergotron found that the hybrid workplace model has empowered employees to reclaim their physical health (75%), improve work-life balance (75%) and increase job satisfaction (88%). That is a staggering number and an alarming one for employers amidst the ongoing trends of the “Talent War” and the “Great Resignation.”

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When asked if they would look for a new job if their employer stopped offering remote-work options, an astounding 54% of employees currently working exclusively from home and 38% of current hybrid workers confirmed that they absolutely would. employees since the onset of the pandemic and found that 53% of remote-capable employees expect a hybrid arrangement, and 24% expect to work exclusively remotely moving forward. Gallup has studied the experiences, needs and future plans of more than 140,000 U.S. Many members of the workforce whose roles and self-discipline allow them to work remotely share this perspective. According to the letter, they need worker autonomy and flexibility to decide when and where to work.

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However, a decade after his passing, Apple employees seem to be taking a stand to tell their company what they need to do via this anonymous letter. We hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” Steve Jobs once said: “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. This content originally appeared on The TechSmith Blog.

Techsmith jobs